A World of Health

Issues focused on healthcare, skin care, aging, arthritis, fitness, aerobics and other topics for leading a healthy life and treating what ails you.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

An Acne Remedy Isn’t 1-Size-Fits-All

When breakouts occur and pimples are a problem, we all want to find an acne remedy that will work as quickly as possible. Finding the right cure, however, isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Much like the common cold, acne is a pretty complicated condition that has a whole host of causes and potential remedies. With this in mind, finding the right acne remedy for a breakout can require some patience.

There’s a great article over on AcneGurus.com that explains every basic, over-the-counter acne remedy. It also goes into the potential side effects those of us with breakouts might run into when using an acne remedy.

The article suggests using a trial-and-error approach when seeking an acne remedy and recommends starting out small and working up to stronger medications.

That sounds like very good advice!


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